Your Personal Voice in the Political Process
The International Fresh Produce Association Political Action Committee (FreshPAC) is an opportunity for the produce industry to help elect and re-elect pro-produce candidates. 100% of FreshPAC funds support Members of Congress who support the fresh fruit and vegetable industry on issues important to Fresh Produce members. It is vital that the produce industry participates in growing a successful PAC to give our industry a voice and actively work to advance the produce industry’s interest.
Our Industry Has Strength in Numbers
PACs impact elections. FreshPAC is funded solely by individual and personal contributions to support candidates. When like-minded people demonstrate their engagement in the political process, our legislators listen. By contributing to FreshPAC you remind candidates that the produce industry touches every community in the nation. As an Association, IFPA is prohibited from using our general treasury funds to make contributions in connection with a federal election. However, we are permitted to establish a political action committee.
Q: What is FreshPAC?
A: In 1976, FreshPAC was established to promote member company involvement in the political process, to give FreshPAC members a forum to support candidates for U.S. Congress, and elect officials who are supportive of the produce industry. With the combining of forces of United and PMA in 2022, FreshPAC will continue to be the leading pac for the fresh produce supply chain.
Q: Who is eligible to join?
A: According to Federal Election Commission regulations, any salaried personnel that are U.S. citizens, including shareholders, retirees and family members.
Q: How do I join FreshPAC?
A: Join FreshPAC now by returning a FreshPAC authorization form. Together we will promote the produce industry by ensuring support for candidates who support policies that improve our businesses. The form will be available soon or you can contact Angela Tiwari.
Q: How is FreshPAC money spent?
A: Funds are used solely for the purpose of contributing directly to federal candidates. FreshPAC is bipartisan and supports candidates whose positions and decisions impact the produce industry. Contributions are based on:
- Candidate support of issues important to IFPA members;
- Candidate’s committee assignment; and
- Candidate’s voting record
Q: How much should I contribute?
A: Contribution amounts are a personal decision and completely voluntary. There are is a wide range of investment levels.
Q: Can I make monthly contributions?
A: Yes, if you would like to divide a contribution into multiple payments simply select the multiple payment option or email Angela Tiwari.